Resource Library Categories

  • Read about Effective Board Meetings for Good Governance

    Effective Board Meetings for Good Governance

    The best board meetings leave us focused and energized: the goal of the meeting is clear, our team is motivated, the process is smooth, and there are well-defined outcomes.

  • Read about Nonprofit Annual Reports

    Nonprofit Annual Reports

    Annual reports can be used to highlight a nonprofit’s mission and impact, thank volunteers and supporters, and make a case for donating to the organization. What makes an annual report compelling?

  • Read about Ethical Fundraising

    Ethical Fundraising

    Transparency inspires confidence. Beyond what the law requires, nonprofits can demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices by being transparent regarding finances and fundraising practices.

  • Read about What to look for when reviewing the IRS Form 990 before filing

    What to look for when reviewing the IRS Form 990 before filing

    Ideally, anyone reviewing a nonprofit’s publicly-posted IRS Form 990 will see an accountable, transparent, and trustworthy organization that is making a positive impact as it advances its mission.

  • Read about Self-Assessments for Nonprofit Boards

    Self-Assessments for Nonprofit Boards

    A strong, vibrant board of directors is a clear indicator of a healthy organization.

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