Read about What to look for when reviewing the IRS Form 990 before filing
What to look for when reviewing the IRS Form 990 before filing
Ideally, anyone reviewing a nonprofit’s publicly-posted IRS Form 990 will see an accountable, transparent, and trustworthy organization that is making a positive impact as it advances its mission.
Read about Self-Assessments for Nonprofit Boards
Self-Assessments for Nonprofit Boards
A strong, vibrant board of directors is a clear indicator of a healthy organization.
Read about Ethics & Accountability
Ethics & Accountability
Articles and resources about ethics and accountability for nonprofits.
Read about Interns: Employee or Volunteer
Interns: Employee or Volunteer
Guidelines for how to treat interns professionally, which starts by clarifying whether they are unpaid volunteers or paid employees.
Read about Succession Planning for Nonprofits/ Managing Leadership Transitions
Succession Planning for Nonprofits/ Managing Leadership Transitions
Nonprofits that are serious about their own sustainability will also be serious about planning for smooth and thoughtful transitions of leadership - as well as making sure their nonprofit is prepared for unexpected departures.