Read about Grant Research Tools
Grant Research Tools
There are several grant research tools with different strengths. To help nonprofits navigate the confusing world of grant research databases, we explored some of the available tools.
Read about Voting and Community Engagement
Voting and Community Engagement
Research proves that when charitable nonprofits encourage people, in a nonpartisan way, to vote by registering to vote and getting out to vote, people vote at significantly higher levels.
Read about Ethical Leadership for Nonprofits
Ethical Leadership for Nonprofits
Nonprofit leaders have a special obligation to demonstrate their commitment to values such as accountability, compassion, honesty, service to others, transparency, and respect.
Read about Board Orientation
Board Orientation
Be sure to include the basics needed for new board members to become engaged in the work of the board right away, and to serve as committed ambassadors and advocates for your nonprofit’s mission.
Read about Whistleblower Protections for Nonprofits
Whistleblower Protections for Nonprofits
Federal law prohibits all corporations, including nonprofits, from retaliating against employees who “blow the whistle” on their employer’s financial management or accounting practices.