Resource Library Categories

  • Read about Board Orientation

    Board Orientation

    Be sure to include the basics needed for new board members to become engaged in the work of the board right away, and to serve as committed ambassadors and advocates for your nonprofit’s mission.

  • Read about Whistleblower Protections for Nonprofits

    Whistleblower Protections for Nonprofits

    Federal law prohibits all corporations, including nonprofits, from retaliating against employees who “blow the whistle” on their employer’s financial management or accounting practices.

  • Read about Marketing Annual Events | Communication Cohort Call June 2024

    Marketing Annual Events | Communication Cohort Call June 2024

    Tune into this fun discussion where the Communication Cohort exchanges tips and tools for successfully marketing annual events, such as conferences, awards programs, giving days, lobby days, and more.

  • Read about Ethics and Accountability for Nonprofits

    Ethics and Accountability for Nonprofits

    It's important that charitable nonprofits continuously earn the public’s trust through their commitment to ethical principles, transparency, and accountability.

  • Read about Effective Board Meetings for Good Governance

    Effective Board Meetings for Good Governance

    The best board meetings leave us focused and energized: the goal of the meeting is clear, our team is motivated, the process is smooth, and there are well-defined outcomes.

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