Resource Library Categories

  • Read about Financial Literacy for Nonprofit Boards

    Financial Literacy for Nonprofit Boards

    Help your board increase its financial literacy by reducing the mystery of nonprofit budgets, financial reports, and audits.

  • Read about State Filing Requirements for Nonprofits

    State Filing Requirements for Nonprofits

    If a charitable nonprofit is an incorporated entity, it must follow state law requirements for annual or periodic registrations.

  • Read about Business Planning for Nonprofits

    Business Planning for Nonprofits

    Business planning is a way of systematically answering questions such as, “What problem(s) are we trying to solve?” and “Who will get us there, by when, and what resources will it take?”

  • Read about Operating Reserves for Nonprofits

    Operating Reserves for Nonprofits

    Many nonprofits report that they have less than three months of operating reserves on hand. This may be the reality for many nonprofits, but it's not optimal.

  • Read about Strategic Planning for Nonprofits

    Strategic Planning for Nonprofits

    A strategic planning process identifies how a nonprofit can best advance its mission. Part of the process is to commit to measurable goals and revisit the strategy on an ongoing basis.

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