Ensuring your nonprofit’s website is accessible to all, including those who are visually impaired, has many benefits. Kim Alfonso shares her story, practical insights and expertise, and resources.
A Conversation with Jeff Bravin, Executive Director of the American School for the Deaf, on how to make in-person and virtual events accessible to the deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind audience.
Laura S. Quinn shares how Requests for Information (RFIs) can lower the barrier to entry, reduce your costs, and connect you with amazing consultants that might not have otherwise bid on your project.
BMP surveyed nonprofit leaders to learn what they needed to maintain and build their organizations. The greatest needs: growing the organization, raising money, and staff issues, especially burnout.
We encourage every nonprofit to strengthen itself by having a conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion, not just among its staff members. This conversation belongs in the boardroom, too.
Summary of the benefits of internships for students and nonprofit employers, partnerships between universities and charitable nonprofits, and other resources on successful internships.
Equitable and inclusive hiring is not just a moral imperative; it's a strategic effort that strengthens your organization by bringing varied perspectives, experiences, and skills to your nonprofit.