State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Success Stories: Habitat for Humanity of Ohio
In this article, we lift up Habitat for Humanity of Ohio and the $25 million investment secured from the state of Ohio as an advocacy and development success story.
Annual performance reviews “just take up time,” “distract from mission,” and force employees to wait far too long for feedback that could be useful for their professional development.
We encourage every nonprofit to strengthen itself by having a conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion, not just among its staff members. This conversation belongs in the boardroom, too.
There is no quick fix to putting your nonprofit’s worst cyber-attack nightmares to rest. The good news is that addressing this issue does not have to create a budgetary nightmare.
Investment management is about maximizing a specific resource, money, and in that way is similar to the other resources you manage in service of your mission.
Transitions are times of great vulnerability for nonprofits. Advance planning is a proven risk management strategy to minimize the stress of a transition.