Advocacy in Action

To demonstrate how common nonprofit advocacy is – and how effective it can be in advancing missions, improving lives, and strengthening communities – each edition of our free e-newsletter, The Nonprofit Champion, concludes with a current example of “Advocacy in Action.”

So you may be inspired by everyday advocacy by nonprofits across the country, this page provides links to those stories – with the most recent stories posted at the top, flowing backward in reverse chronological order.

What’s a nonprofit to do when the government takes adverse actions against it that just seem wrong? Advocate on behalf of its mission, of course.

Thanks to the great work of many nonprofits, including many among our readers, our nation is headed to potentially the largest voter turnout rate in the modern era.

It benefits everyone when candidates – who become officeholders – understand how policies affect the ability of the organizations to serve the state’s residents.

The stability of the nonprofit community in the midst and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is in doubt. One advocacy technique gaining favor is the well-planned virtual news conference.

It is the law of the land – and good for the nonprofit community and those we serve – that charitable nonprofits must remain nonpartisan. There is both safety and power in that limitation.

A challenge in Massachusetts points up the need for many voices – nonprofits and funders alike – to stand up for their missions and speak out in opposition to efforts to divert resources away from mission.

Filing comments on proposed regulations can be as simple as pushing a button to send an email to a government agency.

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