Advocacy in Action

To demonstrate how common nonprofit advocacy is – and how effective it can be in advancing missions, improving lives, and strengthening communities – each edition of our free e-newsletter, The Nonprofit Champion, concludes with a current example of “Advocacy in Action.”

So you may be inspired by everyday advocacy by nonprofits across the country, this page provides links to those stories – with the most recent stories posted at the top, flowing backward in reverse chronological order.

The once-in-a-generation opportunity presented by the ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds is causing nonprofits to do what they do best: innovate.

What’s a leader to do when facing both a once-in-a-generation opportunity to move the sector forward and an impediment no less immovable than the state constitution? Change the constitution, of course

There is a mantra in the networks of the National Council of Nonprofits when applied to policy issues: What’s the problem? What’re the solutions? Let’s get them done!

Shouldn’t this crisis be “above the fold” and top-of-the-broadcast for media outlets? Nonprofits in Kentucky are not waiting silently for the news to get out; they are making news themselves.

Nonprofits are on the frontlines seeing the problems and innovating the solutions in real time.

When organizations dedicated to serving the public good can’t secure the workforce to provide vital services, the whole community suffers.

How are communities supposed to come together to make sound investments when there are no experts? By innovating and relying on people who are expert on community needs, of course.

What nonprofit hasn’t wistfully pondered the dream: “We want our sector to achieve the recognition, respect, and support we deserve”?

Elections can be times for charitable nonprofits to strengthen their communities and advance their missions – in strictly nonpartisan ways that are tried and true.

The community-based human services sector in Massachusetts – one of the largest segments of our state’s nonprofit community – is in the midst of a workforce crisis.

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