Advocacy in Action

To demonstrate how common nonprofit advocacy is – and how effective it can be in advancing missions, improving lives, and strengthening communities – each edition of our free e-newsletter, The Nonprofit Champion, concludes with a current example of “Advocacy in Action.”

So you may be inspired by everyday advocacy by nonprofits across the country, this page provides links to those stories – with the most recent stories posted at the top, flowing backward in reverse chronological order.

Only a few weeks remain to make sure your elected officials hear about your impact and the challenges you and your communities are facing. Now is the time, when they are home and somewhat relaxed, to build relationships you need to advance your mission.

Details on how to continue advocacy during the House and Senate recess.

The Advocacy in Action section of this newsletter is dedicated to highlighting inspiring stories of individuals and groups that talk the talk and walk the walk, running innovative advocacy campaigns, collecting and wielding data, and championing the public good in various ways. Tim Delaney, President & CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits for the past 16 years, exemplifies all of these ideals and more. In recognition of his retirement today, NCN staff asked Tim to share some of the lessons he has learned from building the largest network of nonprofits in North America and leading effective advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels and all three branches of government.

Participating in nonprofit Lobby Days at your state or the U.S. Capitol offer powerful opportunities to advocate for solutions that address community needs.

You’ve landed a meeting with your elected official – a chance to champion your nonprofit’s cause and make a real difference – Kevin Dean shares what to expect of the encounter.

Effective advocacy rarely relies on one-and-done activities, such as making an introductory (i.e., cold) call to ask for a vote. Almost always, relationships are key.

Hands-on guide on how to advocate with local and state officials to secure what’s remaining of quickly disappearing State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

Policymakers are well advised to take note: they need to see how much they and the constituents they represent depend on us all daily.

Charitable nonprofits can, should, and do advocate for their missions year-round.

This article is part of an occasional series encouraging nonprofits to use the powers that they already have to advance their missions

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