Investment management is about maximizing a specific resource, money, and in that way is similar to the other resources you manage in service of your mission.
Most charitable nonprofits have an obligation to file some version of the IRS Form 990. (There are some exceptions.) Most nonprofits are required to file electronically.
There is no quick fix to putting your nonprofit’s worst cyber-attack nightmares to rest. The good news is that addressing this issue does not have to create a budgetary nightmare.
Boards of directors have a fiduciary duty to ensure that the assets of a charitable nonprofit are used in support of the charitable mission, and in accordance with donors’ intent.
As tax-exempt public charities, charitable nonprofits embrace the values of accountability and transparency as a matter of ethical leadership, as well as legal compliance.
The National Council of Nonprofits does not serve as a fiscal sponsor; however, we’ve gathered resources for those exploring a fiscal sponsor relationship.
A fiscal sponsor is a nonprofit organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to help build the capacity of charitable projects.